Monday, August 13, 2012

Quotes: The Sequel

So I met this guy. His name is Ben, and he's pretty awesome. He also knows some pretty awesome quotes, which has inspired me to create

Ben's Quotes
and other quotes I found
coming soon to theaters near you

Let the quotes begin!


'The generation that is not changed by the world will be the generation that changes the world.'


'He is not a fool who loses what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.'


'One of the devil's favorite lies is 'you can not.' One of Gods favorite truths is 'I can.'


'There's room for all of God's creation on this earth...right next to my mashed potatoes.'


'She was feeling the pressure of the world outside and she wanted to see him and feel his presence beside her and be assured that she was doing the right thing after all'
~The Great Gatsby


'and today was brilliant,
glossy and blue,
like swimmingpool shadows
and pictures of you.'
~Typewritten life


'How soothing 
to know
that the wind
will never be taken
out of
my sails.
You are the wind.
You are the sails.'
~Tyler Knott Gregson


'You have my heart.
But you also have my breath caught in my lungs. Each bone in my spine, each bone in my body. Every muscle aches and surges with you. You have so much more than my heart. You have everything it keeps alive.'


So beautiful. 

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