Wednesday, August 1, 2012

DIY Mason Jar Tinting :)

So guess what?

Saturday's my birthday!!! YEAH!!! 18 18 18 18 :)) 

Because of this, I have been doing a lot of party planning and decided to have a bonfire with a group of friends. It's starting to get darker earlier now (but not too early :) ) and I want to do some outdoor games when it's dark. The solution?

Tinted mason jars lights!

Here's how to do it:

You will need:

  • mason jars
  • Mod Podge (DON'T USE PUZZLE GLUE! That's what I was very difficult, but I still got it to work. Save yourself the trouble and get Gloss Mod Podge.)
  • A sponge brush
  • Food coloring
  • OH YEAH and a cookie sheet
  • OH YEAH and tin foil
  • OH YEAH and a paper plate 
Step 1:

Preheat your oven to 350 degrees

Step 2:

Put a puddle of mod podge on the paper plate, and put 3 or 4 drops of food coloring in it. Stir it well. 
(hehe, mine looks like an egg!)

Step 3:

Using the sponge brush, coat the INSIDE of the jar with the mod podge/color mixture. Do one or two coats, just so it looks yellowish, like these:

Ignore the really colored rims...these are my previous 'fail jars' trial and error jars that I decided I could save. 

Step 4:

Cover the cookie sheet with tinfoil and put the jars on it. Bake in the oven at 350 for 30 minutes. 

There you go! Beautiful tinted mason jars! Leave them as they are or put little candles in them like I will. There's a ton of different crafts to do with these colorful guys!

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