Monday, August 13, 2012

Quotes: The Sequel

So I met this guy. His name is Ben, and he's pretty awesome. He also knows some pretty awesome quotes, which has inspired me to create

Ben's Quotes
and other quotes I found
coming soon to theaters near you

Let the quotes begin!


'The generation that is not changed by the world will be the generation that changes the world.'


'He is not a fool who loses what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.'


'One of the devil's favorite lies is 'you can not.' One of Gods favorite truths is 'I can.'


'There's room for all of God's creation on this earth...right next to my mashed potatoes.'


'She was feeling the pressure of the world outside and she wanted to see him and feel his presence beside her and be assured that she was doing the right thing after all'
~The Great Gatsby


'and today was brilliant,
glossy and blue,
like swimmingpool shadows
and pictures of you.'
~Typewritten life


'How soothing 
to know
that the wind
will never be taken
out of
my sails.
You are the wind.
You are the sails.'
~Tyler Knott Gregson


'You have my heart.
But you also have my breath caught in my lungs. Each bone in my spine, each bone in my body. Every muscle aches and surges with you. You have so much more than my heart. You have everything it keeps alive.'


So beautiful. 

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Sliding Knot DIY

Steps 1-6
Slipknots1For the purposes of this exercise, the Pink cord is the left-hand (LH) cord of your pendant, and the Off-white cord is the right-hand (RH) cord of your pendant.
Take the end of the LH cord and wrap it around the RH cord, looping it back to the left as pictured.  Slide the end of the RH cord over to lie alongside the main section of the pink LH cord.
Slipknots2Wrap the end of the pink LH cord around the two cords, looping it towards the left and at least 2-3 times.
Slipknots3Now poke the end of the LH pink cord underneath those loops and back out the right-hand end.  Pull tight.
Voila!  You have your first sliding knot!
Slipknots4If necessary, pull some more of the RH ( off-white) cord thru to the left, so you have enough to make another sliding knot.
Wrap the end of the RH cord around the LH cord, as shown.
Slipknots5Wrap that end around the two cords, wrapping towards the right at least 2-3 times.
Slipknots6As before, poke the end of the RH cord back towards the left and under the loops.  Pull tight, and you're done!  Trim ends if desired.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Outdoor Twister and other Birthday Madness

So Saturday was my 18th birthday. Around here (and probably everywhere) teens celebrate by going to the casino, buying a lottery ticket, smoking, drinking,...whatever. I guess its sort of a right of passage. It sounds kinda cool, I mean who wouldn't want to throw their money into a giant hole while giving themselves cancer?


I have priorities and goals that would definitely not benefit from any above mentioned stupidities. So, I spent my birthday doing things I love, which include bonfires, last minute beach parties, and DIY Twister :). It was one of the best birthdays I have ever had!
Here are some of the pictures :)

Adding the paint :)

The madness begins...look how clean everyone is!

All the guys are synchronized 

competitions getting slim

The longer clean 

the paint after :)

Like what you see? Here's a quick DIY! 

You need:
  • 40 heavy paper plates (I used 40 because I had 10 people playing)
  • green, blue, yellow, and red paint (the big bottles from Walmart work great)
  • 40 long nails 
  • hammer
  • twister spinner 
Out on the lawn, nail down the paper plates. You need 4 rows (for the 4 colors) and however many columns to suite the number of people playing. The nail in the center of the plate was not a big deal for my group of older teens. Pour the paint in the plates (use it all!). Play Twister :) 

I also had a large canvas out next to it so the players could print their hands (or feet) on the board once they were finished :). 

In addition to the games, I also had a bonfire. All my guy friends are pyros.

That was all Friday night. Saturday, my actual birthday, my friend Lauren and I went to see our friends' band play in a local Christian rock fest.

Waiting on Winter 

The Following (Oh how I love Brady's Spiderman mask :D )

The best part of it all was definitely the last minute beach party. There's just something about reconnecting with an old, missed friend that just beats everything else. Plus, I never have been a 'fly by the seat of my pants' kind of person...I'm very calculated and plan almost everything, so when that friend suggested a random beach bonfire, I was pumped! There were supposed to be a whole group of people there, but it ended up just being me, my friend, and his brother (oh and a bunch of fireworks haha). It was fantastic :)

DIY Colored Bobby Pins

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

DIY Mason Jar Tinting :)

So guess what?

Saturday's my birthday!!! YEAH!!! 18 18 18 18 :)) 

Because of this, I have been doing a lot of party planning and decided to have a bonfire with a group of friends. It's starting to get darker earlier now (but not too early :) ) and I want to do some outdoor games when it's dark. The solution?

Tinted mason jars lights!

Here's how to do it:

You will need:

  • mason jars
  • Mod Podge (DON'T USE PUZZLE GLUE! That's what I was very difficult, but I still got it to work. Save yourself the trouble and get Gloss Mod Podge.)
  • A sponge brush
  • Food coloring
  • OH YEAH and a cookie sheet
  • OH YEAH and tin foil
  • OH YEAH and a paper plate 
Step 1:

Preheat your oven to 350 degrees

Step 2:

Put a puddle of mod podge on the paper plate, and put 3 or 4 drops of food coloring in it. Stir it well. 
(hehe, mine looks like an egg!)

Step 3:

Using the sponge brush, coat the INSIDE of the jar with the mod podge/color mixture. Do one or two coats, just so it looks yellowish, like these:

Ignore the really colored rims...these are my previous 'fail jars' trial and error jars that I decided I could save. 

Step 4:

Cover the cookie sheet with tinfoil and put the jars on it. Bake in the oven at 350 for 30 minutes. 

There you go! Beautiful tinted mason jars! Leave them as they are or put little candles in them like I will. There's a ton of different crafts to do with these colorful guys!